Jesus is 
Coming Again 

The One Who Came is Coming Again.

Have you ever found yourself wondering if there’s more to life than what meets the eye? What if the One who holds the answers to all your questions and the solution to every problem is standing right at your door, ready to step in?

That’s exactly what Christmas is all about. It’s not just a historical event from 2,000 years ago; it’s the moment when God came searching for you and me. The Creator, who made us in His own image, humbly lowered Himself to our level. He was born as a baby to save us and to share His presence with us.

He knows exactly what we’re going through, and He came to lift us up to a life of true freedom. As our Saviour, He has the power to set us free from addiction, from bondage, and from toxic relationships. He can take our broken lives and repurpose them for His good purpose. And He doesn’t stand afar off—He enters into the reality of our lives when we believe in Him.

Everyone born will one day die, and we’ll all eventually become a memory. But Christmas points us to Jesus, who was born, lived, died on the cross, and rose again, conquering death and the trials of this world. And this victory isn’t just history—it’s a reality that’s been available for over 2,000 years!

Right now, He’s watching over those who trust Him, preparing a place for them. And any day now, He will come to take His people to be with Him.

“As the Son of Man comes in the clouds with great power and glory…” (Mark 13:26)

Jesus’ first coming was humble and meek, but His second coming will be majestic beyond imagination. “When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, He will sit on His glorious throne.” (Matthew 25:31)

Those who have invited Him into their lives will be invited to join Him in a life of eternal bliss and happiness.

He’s waiting for you to respond to his gentle knocks at our hearts. A simple “yes,” to Him through a prayer can repurpose your life?  

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